niedziela, 31 stycznia 2010

Crackowanie haseł archiwów + PDF

FCrackZip jest prostym, szybkim crackerem haseł dla archiwów zip. FCrackZip został napisanym w Assemblerze, a  jest zdolny złamać hasło pliku zip przez brute force albo atakiem słownikowym.


USAGE: fcrackzip
          [-b|--brute-force]            use brute force algorithm
          [-D|--dictionary]             use a dictionary
          [-B|--benchmark]              execute a small benchmark
          [-c|--charset characterset]   use characters from charset
          [-h|--help]                   show this message
          [--version]                   show the version of this program
          [-V|--validate]               sanity-check the algortihm
          [-v|--verbose]                be more verbose
          [-p|--init-password string]   use string as initial password/file
          [-l|--length min-max]         check password with length min to max
          [-u|--use-unzip]              use unzip to weed out wrong passwords
          [-m|--method num]             use method number "num" (see below)
          [-2|--modulo r/m]             only calculcate 1/m of the password
          file...                    the zipfiles to crack

fcrackzip -c a -p <ścieżka_do_pliku+nazwa>.zip

Jak zainstalowac ?:

sudo apt-get install fcrackzip

Linux binary (glibc2.1+pgcc+pentiumpro):

Instalacja RarCrack

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev

tar xvjf rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2
cd rarcrack-0.2

sudo make install


rarcrack <Ścieżka_pliku> --threads --type <7z_rar_zip> 

Crackowanie hasła PDF'ów 


Dont you hate when you run into a locked down pdf on the web? I search google all the time for title filetype:pdf and some are locked, this is the solution! PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Free Software licensed under the GPL.
* Supports the standard security handler (revision 2 and 3) on all known PDF-versions
* Supports cracking both owner and userpasswords
* Both wordlists and bruteforcing the password is supported
* Simple permutations (currently only trying first character as Upper Case)
* Save/Load a running job
* Simple benchmarking
* Optimised search for owner-password when user-password is known

Instalacja pdfCrack

sudo aptitude install pdfcrack

pdfCrack Syntax
pdfcrack -f nazwa_pliku [opcja]

pdfcrack Options

-b, - -bench - Perform benchmark and exit.
-c, - -charset=STRING - Use the characters in STRING as charset.
-m, - -maxpw=INTEGER - Stop when reaching INTEGER as password length.
-n, - -minpw=INTEGER - Skip trying passwords shorter than INTEGER.
-l, - -loadState=FILE - Continue from the state saved in FILENAME.
-o, - -owner - Work with the ownerpassword.
-p, –password=STRING - Uses STRING as userpassword to speed up breaking ownerpassword (implies -o).
-q, - -quiet - Run quietly.
-s, - -permutate - Try permutating the passwords (currently only supports switching
first character to uppercase).
-u, - -user - Work with the userpassword (default).
-v, - -version - Print version and exit.
-w, - -wordlist=FILE - Use FILE as source of passwords to try.

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